Impact of Brand Equity Drivers on Purchase Intention: A Moderating Effect of Entrepreneurial Marketing
The study aimed to analyse the impact of brand image, brand perception, brand preference and brand loyalty on consumer purchase intention in the FMCG industry of Pakistan. It also used entrepreneurial marketing as moderator between the association of brand loyalty, brand perception, brand image and brand preference with purchase intention. The study has used quantitative explanatory research design. In this concern, a sample of 424 responses was collected using convenience sampling technique from different self-service stores and mega malls of Karachi city, Pakistan. Survey instrument was adapted from numerous past literatures and designed on five point Likert measurement scale. The results and findings of the study showed that brand loyalty, brand perception and brand preference have statistically significant and positive impact on purchase intention. Among the three statistically significant variables, brand loyalty has most impact on purchase intention, followed by brand preference and least influenced by brand perception. Additionally, the results showed that entrepreneurial marketing moderates the relationship of brand loyalty, brand perception and brand preference with purchase intentions of consumer toward FMCG brands in Pakistan. However, the results interestingly showed that brand image does not influence purchase intention and also, entrepreneurial marketing does not moderate its relationship with purchase intention in regards to FMCG brands in Pakistan. The study also showed that combination of all the variables has strength to predict 34.1 percent of purchase intention in regards to FMCG brands of Pakistan. The study further provides conclusion, managerial recommendations and future research directions.