SAJMS - South Asian Journal of Management Sciences

The Effect of Traditional Media Communication and Social Media Communication in Generating Consumer Based Brand Equity in Context of Pakistan

The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of traditional media communication and social media communication in generating the consumer based brand equity. This study provides an important theoretical contribution by introducing prosumers and lead users as for user generated content in the conceptual model. The study has used conventional advertising for measuring traditional media communication whereas, firm and user generated content on social media were used to measure social media communication. The study has employed PLS-SEM to obtain the empirical results. The empirical findings suggested that traditional media communication and social media communication are equally important for creating brand equity. It was also concluded that firm created content has a stronger impact on brand awareness and functional brand image. As far as the user generated content is concerned, the study proposed that Prosumers have a stronger impact on functional brand image while lead users have a significant impact on hedonic brand image.

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