SAJMS - South Asian Journal of Management Sciences

Contribution of Linkedin on Recruitment and Selection

Linkedin has become one of the most known social networking portals in terms of global professional connections, networking, job postings, hiring and much more in relevance to employment opportunities. This research was an attempt to identify the utility of Linkedin on selection and recruitment. Also, this study has taken the employer’s and the prospective candidates for job and employees’s perspective, including factors such as recruitment, selection, job opportunities, internal official communication on Linkedin, professional networking, ease of access, less expensive communication tool etc. Linkedin users (285 respondents) were randomly selected from the region of Karachi and were provided the employer’s and employee’s survey questions to be filled respectively. The results revealed that Linkedin is still not adopted in businesses for the recruitment purposes. It is currently being used by some giant multinational companies for job postings, recruitment and maintaining professional connections.

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