SAJMS - South Asian Journal of Management Sciences

The Mediating Role of the Emotional Intelligence in the Organizational Justice and Contextual Performance Relationship of Administrative Staff in Pakistan

The purpose of this article was to examine a model that recognizes the effect of organizational justice on contextual performance. The model also assessed the mediating role of emotional intelligence in connecting organizational justice and contextual performance. The data were gathered from 202 self-administered questionnaires, sampling respondents from administrative staff working in private sector universities. The relationships among these variables were examined using Pearson correlation and Regression PROCESS V3.3 statistical tools. The Findings of the study confirmed that correlation exists among organization justice, emotional intelligence, and contextual performance. The study also confirmed that organizational justice is the best prognosticator of contextual performance. Furthermore, it was also concluded that emotional intelligence entirely mediates the connection between organizational justice and contextual performance. These models have provided essential understandings to the existing literature and have implications for both academicians and practitioners.

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