SAJMS - South Asian Journal of Management Sciences

Edible Oil imports in Pakistan

Research Article

Pakistan is the fourth largest edible oil importing country. Pakistan imports 75% of the total edible oil consumed in the country to meet its demand. The edible oil imports composed 94% of Palm Oil and the remaining portion comprises the imports of edible oil, coconut oil, olive oil etc. Pakistan imports 75% of its palm oil from Malaysia making it [...]

Intelligence led dynamic knowledge based behavioural leadership model for dynamic fractal organization

Research Article

In this study, a new perspective has been introduced that how leadership can help influencing customers in an intelligent manner through behavioral sense making. Behavioral sense making can be utilized by leaders while sensing behavior and emotions of customers in a game designing organization. As compared to other organizations where role of leadership is only limited and restricted to service [...]

The Application of Academic Supply Chain Management at an Educational Institution

Research Article

Supply chain management concepts and models are not just confined to improving business operations in the manufacturing sector. It can also be developed and applied in the service industry by focusing on the service based supply chain. This paper will explore the application of academic supply chain management at an educational institution namely, RMIT University Vietnam. This paper will first [...]

The Role of Vice Chancellors to promote Higher Education in Pakistan: A Critical Review of Higher Education Commission (HEC) Pakistan's Reforms, 2002

Research Article

The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the reforms introduced by Higher Education Commission Pakistan (HEC) in 2002 about selection criteria of Vice Chancellors in public sector universities of Pakistan. The focus of this study is an evaluation of divergent views and concerns of the community about this new system in the province of Punjab as [...]