SAJMS - South Asian Journal of Management Sciences

Determinants of agricultural production: A Cross-country Sensitivity analysis

Research Article

The relative importance of the key determinants of agricultural-production by performing sensitivity analysis on a cross country data set of 81 countries has been investigated. For analyzing the significance of regional differences in agricultural production, two dummy variables were used for high and low income countries. The World Bank data set is used for this study ranging from 2002 to [...]

Winter Holts Oscillatory Method; A New Method of Resampling in Time Series.

Research Article

A study is based on the performance of NADRA and its employees, comprises on several factors that show an impact on employees's productivity. It was assumed that office design (like Furniture, Noise, Lighting, Temperature and Spatial Arrangement) put an impact on the productivity of employees of NADRA. A research has been conducted in several areas of Pakistan and gathered data [...]

The Right Marketing Tactics to Target Restaurants

Research Article

In every industry, marketing plays a vital role in the success and failure of the product and services. In-order to make the products and services successful, it is very important to create effective marketing-strategies by employing effective marketing-tools. The objective of this research is to find out that whether restaurants should also be marketed and advertised heavily across various marketing [...]

Extended Work Overtime: Labor Choice or Obligation

Research Article

Time management is very important at workplace. Employees have to work hard to accomplish their work on time hence; they often end up doing overtime in-order to improve their performance. For this purpose, Organizations are now offering overtime for their employees. This study relates to the comparison between voluntary overtime and compelled overtime and the research basically aims to determine [...]

Preserving Efficacy of Temperature Sensitive Medicines-Logistics Management in Pharmaceutical Supply Chains

Research Article

Protecting the efficacy of temperature-sensitive drugs is a real challenge especially for the countries with hot climates. Over-the-counter medicines have recommended storage-temperature of around 20-30 °C, while ambient temperature in most metropolitan areas of Pakistan reach around 40-50 ° C in summers, even under the shade. Other temperature-sensitive medicines require storage at around 4-8 °C. A reputation of [...]

Investigating the Real Shocks in the Discount Rate of Pakistan

Research Article

The monetary-policy always has a vital role in determination of the economic conditions of any country, It is witnessed that the discount rate announced in year 1948 was of 3%, while the discount rate announced in year 2013 has come to be at 10%. The research aims to investigate Real Shocks in the Discount Rate of Pakistan, where by 66 [...]

Impact of Uncertainties on Supply Chain Operations in Pakistan

Research Article

Uncertainties are an inherent part of doing business and are dealt with relatively high degree of confidence. Uncertainties pose a variety of risks that can even pull down the organizations. This study has determined the impact of the general uncertainties and its possible minimization. Uncertainties are quite ambiguous for e.g. political upheavals, natural disasters, which cannot be predicted and [...]

Comparison of Equity Markets of SAARC Nations with the Equity Markets European Union Nations

Research Article

Relationships amongst the different stock markets have previously been examined many times; whereby such studies help market players better understand and grasp the equity markets. This paper is based on the comparison of the Equity Markets of both the SAARC and the European Union nations. Changes within one market (whether good or bad) and the subsequent effects on the other [...]