SAJMS - South Asian Journal of Management Sciences

Examining the Influence of Technostress Inhibitors on Work-Related Stress and its Impact on Performance Outcomes in Human Resource Management

The study aims to find out the elements that alleviate the stress of technology in the department of human resources and illustrate the effects of technostress inhibitors on employee organizational commitment, employee satisfaction towards their job, negative affectivity, and technology-enabled performance. The study used self-administrative and online questionnaires to collect the data. A structural equational modeling technique has been used to analyze the results. Findings illustrated that top management human resource technical support has a significant and negative impact on human resource technical work stress. Moreover, results also identified that human resource technical work stress has a positive and significant impact on negative affectivity and technology-enabled performance. However, the research is the first that considers the Department of Human Resource Management in order to evaluate the combined attitude toward work that is influenced by human resources technologies in Pakistan. Past literature has already considered the reaction of users towards the aspects of human resource technologies and the perception of shareholders. Thus, this study will contribute to the field of human resources and academia as well.

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